The electronic cigar, a healthy option or a silent killer?
Electronic Cigarettes or e-cigs, are electronic devices used to inhale steam whether they contain nicotine or not, some of them with pleasant characteristic flavors.
The industry offers them in various presentations such as, in the form of a conventional cigar, in the form of a pipe to innovative designs that include the shape of a pen itself.
Regardless of the design, they all consist of three basic elements: energy source, liquid container and atomizer.
These devices began to be patented in the 60s and it was in China when it began to be marketed by Hon Lik, as well as when several tobacco companies like Ruyan implemented it in 2004 as something completely innovative.
Currently, the industry of these electronic cigarettes has an endless number of patents and in our country with more than 3,000 stores that market them which offer consumers an alternative to quit nicotine or not to start with a vice as such smoking conventional cigarettes.
There is much controversy in the use of these devices since there are many articles that defend the position of not using these devices, because they cause more damage than the cigarette now represents, but what these cigars actually contain and why the use of these devices as an aid to quitting smoking can be beneficial, is one of the most important topics of the current debate.
Information about the potential risk of an explosion when using electronic devices to inhale nicotine is displayed in multiple publications posted on social networks ranging from opinion articles to videos. It also discusses the intensity of such reactions and the possible implications and harm to consumers. It is even possible to find cases of soft tissue damage to the face and hand, as well as amputation of phalanges, an important factor to consider when assessing the possibility of initiating the use of these devices.